I’m Ceridwyn Roberts. I help people understand and use science.

Scientific complexity is daunting for many. To use the wisdom and knowledge we get from scientific research we need to understand it. That’s where I come in. I help translate and interpret scientific information so that experts in other fields find it easier to apply in their work and everyday lives.

I grew up surrounded by people who loved science. My own passion was for communication, as a writer, actor, director, journalist and, from 1994, as a communications professional. The two parts of my life finally wove together in 2015 when I found science communication.

I can help you:

  • synthesize research across diverse disciplines to create understanding for your chosen audience
  • interpret science for policy
  • translate science for the general public
  • condense academic papers into executive summaries or plain English abstracts
  • with media and publicity
  • figure out your website architecture and management
  • manage social media
  • plan stakeholder engagement
  • write and produce publications
  • bring storytelling into your work
  • with strategic planning and its application

I have worked on a variety of eclectic topics including climate science, innovative technology, ecology, the wine industry, fisheries, geology and engineering, economic policy, energy, tertiary education, the performing arts, social services, and vehicle manufacturing.

Science Communication brings my personal experience and all of my skills together. I work towards the public good, in alignment with my values.