Current work

Under Dame Juliet Gerard I was a Fellow of the Office of the Prime Minister’s Chief Science Advisor, and in 2024 wrote a report on mission-led science communication Communicating science impact and engagement in Aotearoa New Zealand.

Current clients include: the new Natural Hazards and Resilience Platform, Orion Energy, Te Aparangi: Royal Society of New Zealand, DEVORA, and the Endeavour-funded Mā te haumaru ō te wai: National flood mapping programme.

I tried to build the complete set of the 11 National Science Challenges, but only managed to work for six. Science for Technological Innovation, Our Land and Water, Resilience to Nature’s Challenges, Building Better Homes Towns and Cities, New Zealand’s Biological Heritage, and Deep South.

I’m also proud to have set up the communications for the international Sensitivity of the West Antarctic Ice Sheet to global warming of 2°C (SWAIS 2C) project and run the mapping and media strategy for the NZ SeaRise Programme launch of location-specific sea-level rise projections in 2022.

You can check out my older work here.