Strategy, Media Advice, Communications
In 2024, I am working with the Biological Heritage National Science Challenge to bring together research from the last ten years of the challenge and summarise it for use by policy makers and other stakeholders.
In 2023, I worked with Eco-index, a sub-programme of Biological Heritage, to help strategise, develop, design, build and publicise an interactive Ecosystem Restoration Map that would help stakeholders better understand how to safeguard our native ecosystems so that biodiversity can once again thrive.
Ceridwyn joined our team to help with the public launch of the scientific tool. She brought a wealth of science communication knowledge, experience and networks which significantly improved engagement from media and the public. Ceridwyn upskilled our own Science Communicator, Leaders and Scientists with a knack for understanding exactly what each person needed. She was patient, curious and enthusiastic, and we won’t hesitate to work with her again.
Catherine Kirby, Communication & Relationships Manager, The Eco-index Programme
I worked with Eco-index and Takiwā to conceptualise, design and build an interactive map that would engage stakeholders in ecosystem restoration and while emphasising hope and the ability to act.
The Eco-index Ecosystem Reconstruction Map is a guide to:
- The expected natural range of native ecosystems across Aotearoa New Zealand, by catchment.
- Ecosystem restoration priority levels based on current extent of native ecosystems, by catchment.
- The area of new ecosystem restoration required to reach a goal of 15% native ecosystem cover.
The map was designed for land management decision-makers in Aotearoa New Zealand. This includes iwi leaders, rural professionals, community group managers, regional and national government, industry peak bodies, business, and others.
I also worked on the associated media campaign to launch the map: